Wednesday 28 September 2011

New Blog

Last week I decided that I needed to change my blog, what I didn't realize is that I would be changing my blog. My blog has been upgraded to Wordpress, I still don't know if I'm smart enough for this but check it out and we'll see. My photoblog will now be:

I hope you keep reading. See you on the other side

Friday 16 September 2011

Strange Fascination Fascinating Me

I've decided that I need to change my blog up, a bit of a shake up to keep myself going. The only problem with this is that I don't know how to change my blog...thank god for Andrew, who of course isn't home tonight. So for now I'm going simple and make changes as I go, so look forward to some exciting changes

Thursday 15 September 2011

Childhood Nostalgia

This (stateside) summer Andrew and I made a trip home for a few weeks in order to attend the wedding of two good friends (lucky for me they held their weddings a week apart so we could attend both).
While we were there I was given the opportunity to give Andrew a glimpse of what summers were like for me growing up. Lying around our families cottage in New Hampshire, waking up to go for swims, reading in the sun, getting sailed around the lake by my dad and only changing out of our swimsuits at the very end of the day when the last light had faded. 
We had bbqs with the family, naps in the hammock and relaxing evenings chatting over dinner on the porch, it was just as I remember it. 
Since we were in the town my mother grew up in I was even given the chance to show Andrew even more of my younger life including the church that my Nana and Papa were married in, my mom and aunt baptised in, my mom married in, my sister and I baptised in (it goes on), and the farm that has been in my Papa's family for years, where my great-grandmother still lived when I was little and that my mother grew up living it.
It's the house my mom lived in when she and my father began dating. I just love the personal history of the town and it meant so much to share it all with Andrew.

Monday 12 September 2011

Nothing better

There is nothing I like better on a nice sunny day that some tasty guacamole, my dad does the best but I'm slowly learning.

Simple mix one fresh avocado, with half a chopped tomato, half a diced Spanish onion, 2 minced garlic, a sprinkle of coriander and the juice from half a lemon. Leave in the fridge for an hour or two before serving to let it all marinate and enjoy. Perfect and simple as we're going into summer.

I also tried to make, what should have been delicious, version of the Girl Scout Samoa cookies, my favourite, by One Hungry Chef. Sadly I didn't watch my caramel so while they looked amazing the caramel could break teeth, I'll try them again some time now that I know they could taste so good.

Monday 5 September 2011


I attempted a crewdsonesque photograph. I don't mind the photograph of me but there is something that just isn't quite right about it.

The one I took when Coopa got in the way though is pretty neat. Andrew thinks it is a bit creepy but I like it. What do you think, creepy or cool?

Saturday 3 September 2011

Thursday 1 September 2011

Just One Cup

So we are in need of some new photographs for a morning tea poster at work and I decided to see what I came up with. Now I need help deciding which is the best one. So, which is your favourite to advertising morning tea to students?

Cup 1

Cup 2

Cup 3

Cup 4

Cup 5

Cup 6

Cup 7

Tuesday 30 August 2011

Lost in the Woods

Untitled, Valley Forge 2008.

Untitled, Valley Forge 2008.

Monday 29 August 2011

The Dance

The Dance, New Jersey 2008.

Friday 26 August 2011

Paper Flight

Time Aloft, Philadelphia 2007.

Time Aloft II, Philadelphia 2007.

Saturday 20 August 2011


Wonder, Philadelphia 2008

Wonder II, Philadelphia 2008

Friday 19 August 2011

New old scans

I was going through my hard drive the other day and came across a folder of scanned negatives that I never got around to working so I thought I'd take some time now to do so. Hopefully I'll be getting through them over the next few weeks and posting them as I go.

Untitled, Philadelphia 2007

Monday 18 July 2011

Daring Cook: Spaetzle

I recently joined an awesome new group called the Daring Cooks and the Daring Bakers where we are challenged each month to make something new that we've never done before. This month for the Daring Cooks we had to make pasta by hand, there were a few recipes given that we could choose from or we could go with our own, I decided to stick with one of the given recipes, spaetzle.

I've decided that I'll give the recipes only of dishes that I create well and that tastes good, as you can tell there is no recipe with this one. I tried my best to fall the recipe exactly but I think part of it was my pot of water took way too long to boil and I got a bit impatient. Even so I didn't think the actual dough had much taste so this was a miss for me, here are the photos of my attempt though:

Friday 1 July 2011

Kenmore Asylum

Last weekend my friend Alex took me out to the old Kenmore Asylum in order to take some photographs. Of course, Alex forgot his camera so he just took the time to show me around, he and a few others had spent a lot of time at the asylum a year or two ago when they were shooting a very creepy short film.

We headed out early in the morning and I got some great shots while the sun was slowly warming the day up for us. Below are some of the photographs that I really liked from the day, I really had a hard time narrowing it down. What I found to be most eerie about the old asylum, besides the fact that they were about to start renovating to turn the place into a resort of B&Bs, is that all the buildings are so nicely intact and looked after just completely empty.

Take a look and let me know what you think.