Thursday 15 September 2011

Childhood Nostalgia

This (stateside) summer Andrew and I made a trip home for a few weeks in order to attend the wedding of two good friends (lucky for me they held their weddings a week apart so we could attend both).
While we were there I was given the opportunity to give Andrew a glimpse of what summers were like for me growing up. Lying around our families cottage in New Hampshire, waking up to go for swims, reading in the sun, getting sailed around the lake by my dad and only changing out of our swimsuits at the very end of the day when the last light had faded. 
We had bbqs with the family, naps in the hammock and relaxing evenings chatting over dinner on the porch, it was just as I remember it. 
Since we were in the town my mother grew up in I was even given the chance to show Andrew even more of my younger life including the church that my Nana and Papa were married in, my mom and aunt baptised in, my mom married in, my sister and I baptised in (it goes on), and the farm that has been in my Papa's family for years, where my great-grandmother still lived when I was little and that my mother grew up living it.
It's the house my mom lived in when she and my father began dating. I just love the personal history of the town and it meant so much to share it all with Andrew.

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