Saturday 19 June 2010

Dedicated to Jenny Lou

My good friend Jenny Lou from university is going to pastry school and keeps posting these amazing photographs of what she makes on her blog, found here. I've been inspired by this and have decided to give it a try myself, so here is my first attempt photographing these mini chocolate chip cheesecakes I've gotten pretty good at making.

More yumminess to come


  1. !!!!! I'm so flattered!!!!! Especially with a shout out from someone as talented as you - not to mention I'd like a taste of that chocolate chip cheesecake! You've got some great (short) depth of field happening here - can't wait to see some more yummies! (longer email to follow <3 )

  2. Now that you're flattered you can come down here and teach me to cook those tasty things you are always making or at least send along some easy to make recipes to make me look good :)
    can't wait for the longer email
